UF Student Health Plan Information

Plan Benefit Highlights

The UF student health insurance plan is a full major medical plan administered by UnitedHealthcare StudentResources (UHCSR). The policy is comparable to Gold level plans on marketplace and accesses a national PPO network. The plan will cover students on or away from campus.

Please see the documents below for plan benefit details. We have the Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) document, the Summary Brochure, and the full plan Certificate of Coverage posted for your convenience.




2024-330-2 Summary Flyer

Quick Facts

  • $200 annual deductible (waived for services at SHCC)
  • $25 office visit copay (waived for services at SHCC)
  • No charge for preventive care/screening/immunization
  • 80% coverage for diagnostic services/treatment at a network provider
  • 70% coverage for diagnostic services/treatment at a an out-of-network provider
  • Prescription coverage with $20, $30, and $50 copay depending on drug tier
  • 1 dental exam and cleaning per policy year
  • 1 eye exam per policy year with $100 max
  • One-time referral needed from the Student Health Care Center for outpatient treatment. Please see plan Certificate of Coverage for exceptions.

Coverage Dates and Rates

2023-2024 Policy Year

Rates for: Annual (THROUGH UHCSR ONLY) Fall Spring Spring/Summer ( (THROUGH UHCSR ONLY)) Summer C Summer A Summer B
8/16/23-8/15/24 8/16/23-1/7/24 1/8/24-5/12/24 1/8/24-8/15/24 05/13/24-8/15/24 5/13/24-6/30/24 7/1/24-8/15/24
Student $3,093 $1,226 $1,065 $1,867 $803 $414 $388
Spouse $3,043 $1,206 $1,048 $1,837 $790 $407 $382
One Child $3,043 $1,206 $1,048 $1,837 $790 $407 $382
Two or More Children $6,086 $2,412 $2,096 $3,674 $1,580 $814 $764
Spouse and Two or More Children $9,129 $3,618 $3,144 $5,511 $2,370 $1,221 $1,146

2024-2025 Policy Year

Rates for: Annual (THROUGH UHCSR ONLY) Fall Spring Spring/Summer (THROUGH UHCSR ONLY) Summer C Summer A Summer B
–– 8/16/24-8/15/25 8/16/24-1/12/25 1/13/25-5/11/25 1/13/25-8/15/25 5/12/25-8/15/25 5/12/25-6/29/25 6/30/25-8/15/25
Student $3,185 $1,308 $1,039 $1,877 $838 $428 $410
Spouse $3,135 $1,288 $1,022 $1,847 $825 $421 $404
One Child $3,135 $1,288 $1,022 $1,847 $825 $421 $404
Two or More Children $6,270 $2,576 $2,044 $3,694 $1,650 $842 $808
Spouse and Two or More Children $9,405 $3,864 $3,066 $5,541 $2,475 $1,263 $1,212