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Completing Waiver With VA Healthcare Coverage
We're here to make the insurance waiver process as easy as possible for you.

First Time Doing an Insurance Waiver?
Email us your VA Summary of Benefits Letter
Please click the link below to retrieve your Summary of Benefits Letter.
Renewing a Health Insurance Waiver?
Contact us to add a new waiver
VA Healthcare is generally a lifetime benefit. If your coverage was previously confirmed you do not need to resend your letter. Simply contact us when it is time to renew your waiver and we will add a new one for you.
Health Insurance Waiver Steps: First Semester
We recognize that the health insurance waiver form was built primarily to collect commercial health insurance information. As a VA Healthcare beneficiary you will not have information for all of the required fields such as member ID and group number. Our hope is that emailing the Summary of Benefits Letter streamlines the process for you.
Step 1: Go to link above and log in
Step 2: Navigate to Documents and Records
Step 3: Click VA Letters and then click Benefits Summary-Veteran Benefits
Step 4: Follow the website prompts to fill out necessary information
Step 5: Click Generate Benefit Summary Letter
Step 6: Email a copy of the letter to our office
We will use the Summary of Benefits Letter to add a health insurance waiver for you so that you are opted out of participating in the student health insurance plan.