Waiver Instructions
Video Instructions for Waiver Draft (Transcript Document Below)-New GatorGradCare Members
Step-by-step Instructions
Step 1: Log in to the Student Self-Service Portal and click link to add new waiver.
Step 2: Click the button to provide “proof of comparable coverage”.
Step 3: Answer “YES” to the questions on the eligibility questionnaire.
First Semester: Submit a draft
If it’s your first semester with GatorGradCare insurance, we know you do not have your policy information yet. Please follow these simple steps.
Step 4: Select the semester you are trying to waive.
Step 5: For insurance provider, use option at the top for new members.
Step 6: Enter UFS for the policy member ID number. This is the alpha prefix for all GatorCare member ID numbers.
Step 7: Leave everything else blank and click the blue Add button.
Step 8: Email Health Compliance (healthcompliance@shcc.ufl.edu) a screenshot of your myUFL Benefits Summary.
- Enroll in GatorGradCare following the instructions.
- Allow a couple of days for your myUFL Benefits Summary to be updated.
- Send us a screenshot of your benefits summary (Main Menu-> My Self Service-> Benefits-> Benefits Summary). The benefits summary must show Gator Grad Care Health as one of your selected benefits.
Existing GGC member: Complete waiver fully
If you have your Florida Blue insurance card, you can complete the waiver. If you do not have your card, please print a temporary card before proceeding.
Step 4: Select the semester you are trying to waive.
Step 5: For insurance provider, type BCBS of Florida
Step 6: Your policy/member ID has an alpha prefix of UFS. Please include the entire number.
Step 7: Enter group number as 78358
Step 8: Enter your Rx Bin as 016523 and your PCN as P042
Step 9: You are the policy holder, so select patient/student as policy holder.
Step `10: Click the blue Add button.