How to Waive With GatorGradCare

Waiver Instructions

Video Instructions for Waiver Draft (Transcript Document Below)-New GatorGradCare Members


Step-by-step Instructions

Step 1: Log in to the Student Self-Service Portal and click link to add new waiver.

Student Self-Service Portal Homepage

Step 2: Click the button to provide “proof of comparable coverage”.

Step 3: Answer “YES” to the questions on the eligibility questionnaire.

First Semester: Submit a draft

If it’s your first semester with GatorGradCare insurance, we know you do not have your policy information yet. Please follow these simple steps.

Step 4: Select the semester you are trying to waive.

Step 5: For insurance provider, use option at the top for new members.

Step 6: Enter UFS for the policy member ID number. This is the alpha prefix for all GatorCare member ID numbers.

Step 7: Leave everything else blank and click the blue Add button.

Step 8: Email Health Compliance ( a screenshot of your myUFL Benefits Summary.

  1. Enroll in GatorGradCare following the instructions.
  2. Allow a couple of days for your myUFL Benefits Summary to be updated.
  3. Send us a screenshot of your benefits summary (Main Menu-> My Self Service-> Benefits-> Benefits Summary). The benefits summary must show Gator Grad Care Health as one of your selected benefits.
Search benefits for current date. Upon receipt of this screenshot we will process your waiver draft.

Existing GGC member: Complete waiver fully

If you have your Florida Blue insurance card, you can complete the waiver. If you do not have your card, please print a temporary card before proceeding.

Step 4: Select the semester you are trying to waive.

Step 5: For insurance provider, type BCBS of Florida

Step 6: Your policy/member ID has an alpha prefix of UFS. Please include the entire number.

Step 7: Enter group number as 78358

Step 8: Enter your Rx Bin as 016523 and your PCN as P042

Step 9: You are the policy holder, so select patient/student as policy holder.

Step `10: Click the blue Add button.